Irma Wagner
december 6., 2013
reading of plays at the vernissage "Welttheater-Theaterwelt" of the Swiss artist Florian Froehlich,,  at the gallery ACHTZIG at 7 p.m., Brunnenstr. 150, 10115 Berlin-Mitte
august 27., 2013
"SOKO KITZBÜHEL- Fleisch und Blut", repeated television broadcast, ORF 1 at 9:05 p.m., role: Irene Kaltenschläger, director: Gerald Liegel, beo Film
august 26., 2013
"MORD IN BESTER FAMILIE", repeated television broadcast of the TV movie , ZDF at 8:15 p.m., role: Frau Hofer, director: Johannes Grieser, JoJo Film
march 8. & april 2013
Volksbühne Berlin, "CLUB INFERNO" by SIGNA, role: Cleopatra, director: Signa Köstler,
opening night: 8.3., 6:30 p.m.
further performances: 9.-17.3, 19.-24.4., 9.-14.4. and 16.-21.4. starting at 6:30 p.m.
ATTENTION: The ticket only allows you to enter the pavilion! There you get the invitation for the CLUB INFERNO!
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